With being gone in D.C, then for graduation, and now teaching our daughter to drive, oh and hiking and working (!) I haven’t had much bandwidth to try anything new food-wise. We’ve mostly been having favorite, easy recipes on repeat over here, but I thought I’d share them anyway. The point is great food doesn’t have to be a major project, and many of these meals were ten minutes to prepare.
There are a few exceptions here: seafood pie takes some effort, and for my batch of chowder that I made this spring, I used fresh clams for the first time as shown, which was definitely not a shortcut. Everything else here is beginner level, so don’t be afraid to give some of these recipes a try. You’ll find the links to the recipes in the photos highlighted in the caption of each.
Above is our Salmon Cakes with the simple salad we had last night, complete with some fresh beet-carrot-apple-cucumber juice. We’ve been loving our cold press juicer as you’ll see below.

Swordfish with Herbed Lemon Pepper Butter with grapes and Roasted Carrots with Tahini, Pistachios, and Mint and fresh green juice