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I’m in this Elected Artist Show in Essex
By Polly Castor on September 23, 2018Read moreMy large (3'x4') monoprint collage on a cradled wooden panel, titled Crown of Petals, is currently in an "elected...
10Be Part of a Book Group Near You
By Polly Castor on September 22, 2018Read moreThe book above is only shown in this post because it prompted a great discussion from my book group;...
September Reservoir Photos
By Polly Castor on September 21, 2018Read moreI pulled over in this beautiful spot in Easton, where the swans live, to enjoy some bright but moody...
Serendipity (New Large Abstract Oil Painting)
By Polly Castor on September 20, 2018Read moreThis large gallery wrapped oil painting has been in the works for quite some time, and I'm delighted to...
Exemplary Turtles (New Poem by Polly Castor)
By Polly Castor on September 19, 2018Read moreA turtle is always at home, in water or on land, indeed he carries his security and safety and comfort with him everywhere...
Internal Patter (New Poem by Polly Castor)
By Polly Castor on September 18, 2018Read moreIntentionally constructing a good life takes a lot of the same sort of internal patter and similar blithe but exact consideration that goes...
Eight New Hand Carved Pottery Plates
By Polly Castor on September 17, 2018Read moreI made these eight new hand carved pottery plates to be sold at Byrd's Books in Bethel, my local...
Quotes About Gender (by Mary Baker Eddy)
By Polly Castor on September 16, 2018Read moreGender means simply kind or sort, and does not necessarily refer either to masculinity or femininity.
I’m in the Guilford Arts League Juried Show
By Polly Castor on September 15, 2018Read moreMy painting above– one from my music series– got in this year's Guilford Arts League Juried Show, held at...
Come Out of the Closet
By Polly Castor on September 14, 2018Read moreEach of us needs to "come out" of the closet more each day, embracing and accepting more and more...
Last Black and White Abstract Paintings
By Polly Castor on September 13, 2018Read moreThese six works culminate my six week challenge to myself to explore black and white painting. It was valuable...
Ideas for Processing Fresh Tomatoes
By Polly Castor on September 12, 2018Read moreWhether you grew some tomatoes, or are just inspired to get some from your local farmer’s market, give these...