Progress on Our Younger Daughter’s Ceramics Capstone Project

Progress on Our Younger Daughter’s Ceramics Capstone Project

Capstone progress

Many of you blog readers have followed our younger daughter’s ceramics for many years now. (For a sampling, see here, hereherehere, here, and here.) She is a Physics major, minoring in both Math and Studio Art. The “studio art” portion is all about ceramics, and takes a large portion of her time. Now as a senior in college, she is half way through her “ceramics capstone” which will culminate in a museum show next April.

She has been focusing on developing two specific types of dishes. The first ones shown below she is calling “comfort food bowls,” which are meant to be held in your hand, casually near your face (not at a table); they are made on the wheel but without “feet”, and do not tip the contents over if you set them down.

Below that, are the segmented dishes she is making with porcelain poured in carefully designed and constructed molds; they are the other end of the spectrum from the comfort food bowls and are for specific, gourmet “art of plating” meals.

When picking her up last Thursday for the holiday break, I got to see all this great work shown in this post. I also watched her smash about half of her work that didn’t meet her high standards (see last photo below).

It is great to have her home!


I work to amplify good wherever I find it. I love color, texture, beauty, great ideas, nature, metaphor, deliciousness, genuine spirituality, and exploring new territory. I encourage authenticity, nurture creativity, champion sustainability, promote peace, and hope to foster a new renaissance where we all are free to be our most fulfilled, multifaceted, and terrific selves. Read more here.


  1. Elvira Marin 6 years ago

    What beautiful bowls! Your daughter has a good eye for color also, the colors are very soothing to me.

  2. Christine 6 years ago

    Love this update! Proud of Laura.

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