Between Mother and Child (pastel) by Polly Castor
“The biggest surprise of my life was finding out that the best thing that ever happened to me was being a mother. It also has been the most life changing, the most shocking, the most exciting, boring, fun, loving, funny, exasperating, irritating, stressful, heartbreaking, exhausting, amusing, expensive, time consuming, repetitive, endless, adorable, extraordinary, fascinating, and engrossing way to spend my life. Think very carefully before you become a mother, this is a path that you only want to tread if you want to meet your biggest teachers, if you want to learn, expand, and change. Your children will knock you into shape better than anything. You will be humbled. There is no promise they are going to be the people or lead the life you imagined for them. You will wake up one day and realize that the shift of power is entirely in their little fingers. You better have earned their love and respect by then. You better have run a kind, loving, generous and happy home. And given them your most precious thing, your time and attention without being attached to the outcome of this love. If you have done all of the above they will want you in their lives. And this will be something you will want more than anything else in your entire life. Just remember you are paying back your mother for what she did for you.Be sure to set up the right spiral of love. You set the agenda for the generations to come.”
By Serena Crawford

Heavy Bud (acrylic) by Polly Castor