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Book Review: Sweetgum Knit Lit Society/ Knit for Love
By Polly Castor on February 4, 2010Read moreWhen I read the first of these two books, I was unsure if it was good enough to review...
00Thirteenth Page Done in My New Box-A-Day Art Journal
By Polly Castor on February 3, 2010Read moreThis page represents January 22, 2010 to February 2, 2010 See close-ups of recent entries below. Enjoy!
Poetry by Wislawa Szymborska
By Polly Castor on February 2, 2010Read moreThis poet won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1996, and this is the first book of her poems...
Photos of Ice on the River
By Polly Castor on February 1, 2010Read moreWe’ve had lots of rain, followed by snow and low frigid temperatures. The river is surging fast, but fringed...
Gallery Show: Hans Hofmann & George McNeil
By Polly Castor on January 31, 2010Read moreWe got up to this show in Kent, Connecticut at the Morrison Gallery (click here for their website) on...
Recipe: Apple Muffins with Oat Bran and Dates
By Polly Castor on January 30, 2010Read moreFrom previous blog posts, I’ve been requested to share the recipe for these muffins. They are also a satisfying...
Some Quotes by Famous Artists
By Polly Castor on January 29, 2010Read moreHere are some quotes by famous artists that are new to me. These quotes came from all sorts of...
Photos of Seasonal Dichotomies
By Polly Castor on January 28, 2010Read moreWe’ve been without snow cover for a couple weeks. After four inches of rain on Monday –which would have...
Book Review: Water For Elephants
By Polly Castor on January 27, 2010Read moreI have finally read this popular book which has been on my reading list for years. As with so...
My Son’s Flow Chart of How a Bill Becomes a Law
By Polly Castor on January 26, 2010Read moreAt our recent homeshooling presentation meeting, my son talked about how a bill becomes a law using this flow...
Recipe: Watercress and Cauliflower Soup
By Polly Castor on January 25, 2010Read moreThis is an easy soup that is both filling and light.
I’m also in the Easton Library Art Show
By Polly Castor on January 24, 2010Read moreLast night I went to the reception for the Easton Library Art Show. It was a nice soiree with...