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Our Daughter’s Empty Bowls Project
By Polly Castor on November 27, 2016Read moreOur daughter is making 150 bowls for an "Empty Bowls" project; they will be sold to individuals and filled...
11Recent Food Around Here
By Polly Castor on November 26, 2016Read moreHere are some photos of food we've enjoyed recently. Many meals were made trying new things, but you'll find...
Gifts from My Gallery
By Polly Castor on November 25, 2016Read moreSince it is Black Friday, I'm going to make a shameless plug for the zillions of lovely gift ideas...
Grace Notes #2
By Polly Castor on November 24, 2016Read moreThis Thanksgiving, I am furthering my goal of appreciating the abundance of random good.
Thanksgiving Links 2016
By Polly Castor on November 23, 2016Read moreHere are live links to past Thanksgiving features on this blog as well as those to Christian Science Thanksgiving...
Two New Abstract Collages
By Polly Castor on November 22, 2016Read moreI have been trying out some new ideas, and am pleased with the results, which in turn, of course,...
November Snow
By Polly Castor on November 21, 2016Read moreHere are the photos I took with my iPhone on an enchanted walk before church in Ridgefield yesterday morning.
Book Review: One Thousand Gifts
By Polly Castor on November 20, 2016Read more...her life was turned upside down and burst open by finding gratitude to God for the slightest little gifts...
Best Books About Thanksgiving for Kids
By Polly Castor on November 19, 2016Read moreHere are our favorite books about Thanksgiving for kids. These would be terrific to read to or get in...
Night Prayer of a New Zealand Prayer Book
By Polly Castor on November 18, 2016Read moreThe night is for stillness. Let us be still in the presence of God.
Amazing Butternut Squash
By Polly Castor on November 17, 2016Read moreMy husband got an amazing butternut squash harvest this year. Some are over 4 feet long...
Fall Foliage Photos
By Polly Castor on November 16, 2016Read moreI particularly like how light plays off these leaves, either early or late in the day. It can have...