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Featured Artist: Mavis Pusey
By Polly Castor on May 6, 2019Read moreNot only do I love her geometric shapes, but so much of her abstraction is inspired by the construction...
20Expect Fabulousness and Surprise (Quote by James Kitchens)
By Polly Castor on May 5, 2019Read moreMost of us go through each day looking for what we saw yesterday. And not surprisingly. that is what...
Two New Pottery Pieces Out of the Kiln
By Polly Castor on May 4, 2019Read moreThe spherical yellow rosette piece above is the perfect height for a centerpiece, and I found it interesting that...
Tattoos on the Heart (Book Review)
By Polly Castor on May 3, 2019Read moreThis book is written by a Jesuit priest who has a ministry among the competing gangs in a ghetto...
Nexus (New Large Mixed Media Painting)
By Polly Castor on May 2, 2019Read moreThe new highly textural painting of mine is quite large (28"x40") and is done in mixed media: pastel, acrylic,...
Photos of Local Flowering Trees
By Polly Castor on May 1, 2019Read moreEnjoy this burst of color, and pretend is is a May basket spirited onto your doorknob... the love is...
Bits and Clips April 2019
By Polly Castor on April 30, 2019Read moreThis is a monthly feature of the best that I've seen , heard or read on the internet during...
My Painting was in the Roux & Cyr Gallery in Portland
By Polly Castor on April 29, 2019Read moreMy painting Field of Dreams was honored to be in Portland's commercial gallery for the month of April.
The Moonflower Vine (Book Review)
By Polly Castor on April 27, 2019Read moreBeyond family, this book's themes are rebellion, faith, secrets, love, independence, and the need for extending compassion to everyone...
Fabulous Forsythia (Photos)
By Polly Castor on April 26, 2019Read moreI have so often been whipping out my iPhone to capture their massive, but wafting, saturated color that there...
Aggregate (New Large Abstract Conceptualist Painting in Pastel)
By Polly Castor on April 25, 2019Read moreAn abstract conceptualist work, “aggregate” means a gathering, a collection, a whole formed of disparate elements, a loosely compacted...