Peek Inside my Bible Lesson Study Journal
Here's another peak into my Bible Lesson journal to encourage you to have a similar practice of wrestling with...
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The Bible Speaks to You Podcast is Launched
My husband's new podcast is wonderful! Give it a listen and subscribe.
Thoughts about Reducing Polarity
How the Christian Scientist perspective reduces polarity in society that more may be blessed by emulating.
The Accessibility of God as Abba (Quote from Phillip Yancey)
How approachable is God? God is eager and available for an intimate, supportive relationship with you.
Be Spiritually Minded
I encourage you to be spiritually minded! Here is a concise description of how.
Choose Radical Kinship (Deep Think #9)
The fact that we are inseparable is unavoidable, since one God made –and maintains– us all and we are...
The Hymn We’ve Been Singing Repeatedly
We sang this hymn throughout our trip, riveted to both the meaning of the words and the beautiful melody.
My Endless Source of Inspiration
Inspiration is something that streams to me and through me, and not ever something I generate or am responsible...
For God is All-in-All (poem by Ethel Margaret Soden)
No evil can touch me; no harm can befall, for He is my Father, my Mother,—my All.
Red Light, Green Light (New Poem by Polly Castor)
That hunch, the gut knowing that yes, I should go ahead with this but absolutely not with that...
When to Believe ( Buddha quote)
Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it...