Perseverance Not Human Will
As I’ve said (click here) what you value governs what you are grateful for and therefore what you get...
New Year’s Eve…
New Year’s Eve Reflections: As we face the clean slate of a fresh New Year, I ask you: what...
Why Jesus Doodled in the Dirt
They had just brought to Jesus the woman taken in adultery – in the very act – to challenge...
Book Review: 100 Ways To Simplify Your Life
I really liked this book and give it five stars. I applaud her simple, no nonsense style and straight...
Get a Life
God is your Life. Literally. Life is God. God is Life. God, Life, should be front and center and...
Little Dilemmas and Moral Relativism
Here are two small, current dilemmas here: 1.) My daughter’s worn out shoes. I gave a familiar ultimatum to...
Annual Meeting 2010
We had a good time attending the Annual Meeting at our church headquarters in Boston today. The theme was...
Memorial Day: An Empathic Response
First of all, watch this. (Click here) You’ll cry. I did. Thank God for our troops. What made you...
A God I Can Believe In
I’m thinking of this because of talking with a teen recently who shuns believing in God. God simply doesn’t...
Motivation, Desire, and the Miracle of a Clean Refrigerator
National headline: Miracle: a Clean Refrigerator! You wonder, is “miracle” the right word to describe this? Well not for...
Photos of my Valentine’s Roses
These are the roses my valentine gave me. He was buying them from Trader Joe’s right when I was...