A Plea for Donations to this Website

A Plea for Donations to this Website

We have just paid for hosting this website for the next period of time, which was all required up front. Each time the bill for this comes around, the cost for hosting this ever-growing website escalates dramatically. What started out as an affordable little project is now an (absurdly?) expensive one. (I could take a coveted trip around the world instead!) Most people with websites of this size are either in business making considerable money from it, or have lots of annoying advertisements, either of which make paying this kind of bill more possible. However, since we believe in this ministry of amplifying good, as well as in having this space remain a sweet, positive reprieve and undistracted support for you readers, we have in good faith paid this huge bill, which is beyond our means, by putting it on a credit card.

I am reminded of the widow woman who goes to the prophet Elisha when hounded by her creditors (see II Kings 4:1-7) . He asks her what she has in the house, and she replies that she has a bit of oil. He directs her to go to her neighbors and collect vessels, to “gather not a few,” and then she kept pouring out oil into all those vessels. When she filled them all, she sold the oil and paid her creditors. Oil is defined in the glossary of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures as, “Consecration; charity; gentleness; prayer; heavenly inspiration.” As you may have noticed, I’ve got an endless source of that to pour forth, and continue to do so on this blog. I am in my 12th year of doing that everyday. You blog readers are the precious, volunteered vessels, the receptacles, the beneficiaries. Now I need money from those vessels to pay my creditors.

Donations of any amount, both now and going forward, would be very much appreciated. If you have donated recently or regularly, thank you already for being both so prescient and so generous! There is always a donation button in every side bar on this blog (or keep scrolling below the post on the phone), where you can pay via credit card or by Paypal, either a one time donation or a recurring monthly one. Only you know what size vessel you are and how much oil you receive here. Whether by several very large donations, many medium sized ones, or a sea of smaller ones, I believe this blog is not only meant to continue, but to grow. Tell your friends about it. And please help keep it financially possible.

Thank you in advance! My love and gratitude go out to you all.

I work to amplify good wherever I find it. I love color, texture, beauty, great ideas, nature, metaphor, deliciousness, genuine spirituality, and exploring new territory. I encourage authenticity, nurture creativity, champion sustainability, promote peace, and hope to foster a new renaissance where we all are free to be our most fulfilled, multifaceted, and terrific selves. Read more here.


  1. Kathleen 4 years ago

    Dear Polly, just a thought — you could switch your blog to WordPress. I have had a blog there for 10 years. Over that period, the cost of a non-ad site has gone from $18 to $36. Still affordable. I started out on blogspot and made the switch early on.

    • Author
      Polly Castor 4 years ago

      I am on WordPress! This is to host a WordPress site of this size and visual in scope.


  1. […] week I sent out a plea for donations to keep this site ad free and you responded instantly and resoundingly. Many of you sent financial […]

  2. […] spring when I initially had to request assistance, your contributions were heartening, and as I commented then, we’ll proceed on a biannual […]

  3. […] help, we made it through this last year since this huge blog’s hosting costs skyrocketed. (See this post.) Thank you for all your support to make that […]

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