What Jesus Did We Can Do Too

What Jesus Did We Can Do Too
What Jesus Did We Can Do, follow Jesus's example Calm before the Storm (pastel) by Polly Castor

How Jesus lived:

  • listened to God
  • saw others how God saw them
  • humbly washed the feet of others
  • taught through gentle stories
  • was wise and knew what to do when
  • knew he was eternal
  • did not talk about himself much
  • did not emphasize material things
  • moved about doing good
  • brought comfort and relief
  • was peaceful in angry mobs
  • was intuitive and perceptive
  • was faithful, loyal, and forgiving
  • knew he had all he needed
  • fueled his days with prayer
  • had mountaintop experiences
  • trusted divine providence
  • was self contained and self sufficient
  • was principled and had integrity
  • talked about how great God is
  • fed and satisfied others
  • was slow to anger
  • yielded to God’s will
  • was obedient to God
  • lived simply
  • was consistent
  • had no ego
  • was not in a hurry
  • did not complain
  • didn’t hold a grudge
  • used few words
  • was calm in the storm
  • didn’t look for amusement
  • moved about almost transparently
  • responded to favor, adulation, and victory with poise
  • expressed unconditional love
  • knew his life purpose
  • was filled with grace
  • handled persecution with forbearance, patience, and survival
  • lived forever

We can follow his example!

What Jesus Did We Can Do too Hosanna! (pastel) by Polly Castor
I work to amplify good wherever I find it. I love color, texture, beauty, great ideas, nature, metaphor, deliciousness, genuine spirituality, and exploring new territory. I encourage authenticity, nurture creativity, champion sustainability, promote peace, and hope to foster a new renaissance where we all are free to be our most fulfilled, multifaceted, and terrific selves. Read more here.


  1. John+gregory 2 years ago

    Hope. Faith. Love.

  2. Joseph D Herring 2 years ago

    The Jesus I meet in the gospels did not emphasize material things. He used them , most naturally, giving no indication
    that he believed down deep that they were unreal. He would not understand the slogan ” matter doesn’t matter.”

  3. I cherish this poetic story. We need to talk to strangers
    And they need to hear from us, esp these days.
    What a bright little girl.
    Example of how to enrich a short moment and encounter.
    Give us more of his poems.
    Lets all be alert to such opportunites. Thanks

  4. Hey, what a useful portrait of JESUS.
    Spoken in our images, Leaping to introduce Jesus in actions we know everyday.
    And active qualities WE can express ourselves, here and now.
    Useful to see beyond the traditional “holy” hallowed words, —>
    TO the everyday actions that deliver the holy, divine character.
    I have displayed and broadcast the list, with room for many more
    descriptions. Let’s make Jesus a ‘knowable’, familiar, hometown Role Model.
    . . . like you are, Polly.

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