Visiting Our Daughter and Lehigh University Campus (Photos)
I finally saw the Lehigh University campus where our daughter is a first year PhD student. It is lovely!
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Jen Evenhus Workshop in Saco, Maine (Photos)
Check out my photos of this workshop. It was time well spent on many different levels.
Experiments in Opacity and Transparency in Acrylic
Here is the next is a series of exercises I'm making myself do, this time exploring the use of...
Six Color Studies I did at IAPS 2019
Here are six of the eight color studies I did while I was at IAPS.
Photos of Tony Alain Demos
Here are step by step photos of him recreating some of his colorful, straightforward work.
Photos of Dawn Emerson’s Workshop (Monotype with Pastel)
Dawn a has terrific, scientific, "try it and see" approach to her creativity. Her vitality, inventiveness, and lyrical methods...
Our Younger Daughter Graduates with Honors
We are so proud of our younger daughter who graduated with honors and a special medal of distinction today...
Our Youngest Daughter Chooses a PhD Program
We are proud of her hard, focused work in her undergraduate degree, and congratulate her on making this decision...
A Few Spaces Left in My Pastel Adventures in Abstraction Workshop
I'm teaching a two day workshop for the Connecticut Pastel Society titled Adventures in Abstraction in Southington, Connecticut on...
Collage Elements (Mark Making #4)
Continuing in the mark making series, I will now explore collage as elements of mark making.
Making Found Object Brushes (Mark Making #3)
For my third in this mark making series I am going to try to create unique marks with handmade...