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Get a Life
By Polly Castor on November 6, 2010Read moreGod is your Life. Literally. Life is God. God is Life. God, Life, should be front and center and...
00Visiting Harvard and a Card Company
By Polly Castor on November 5, 2010Read moreThis weekend I am in Boston for a yearly conference on spirituality. I’m staying on Harvard Square in the...
My Two New Mixed Media Paintings
By Polly Castor on November 4, 2010Read moreRidgefield Guild of Artists (click here) has a fundraiser each year where artists create work around a common stencil,...
6th Page in my 3rd Box-A-Day Art Journal
By Polly Castor on November 3, 2010Read moreThis page represents October 22, 2010 to November 2, 2010. See close-ups of recent entries below. Enjoy!
5th Page in my 3rd Box-A-Day Art Journal
By Polly Castor on November 2, 2010Read moreThis page represents October 10, 2010 to October 21, 2010. See close-ups of recent entries below. Enjoy!
My Ecumenical Friends
By Polly Castor on November 1, 2010Read moreI have to say I am blessed with some wonderful ecumenical friends. I’ve had the privilege of representing my...
Happy Halloween
By Polly Castor on October 31, 2010Read moreHappy Halloween. Today my thirteen year old daughter was a skunk, my sixteen year old son was Jesus, and...
A Different Version of Psalm 23
By Polly Castor on October 30, 2010Read moreThis version of Psalm 23 is from Walter Wangerin’s The Book of God: The Bible As a Novel, page...
My Orange Felted Bag
By Polly Castor on October 29, 2010Read moreI made this felted bag for my mother a few years ago, and this summer when I helped downsize...
Autumn Enhanced Architecture
By Polly Castor on October 28, 2010Read moreI live in a beautiful area. You can get a whiff of it here, enhanced by the golden season...
Still Behind / James’ Food
By Polly Castor on October 27, 2010Read moreWell, I’ve been back for a month and the promises I made here have not come to fruition. I...
Art by Others
By Polly Castor on October 26, 2010Read moreLast weekend, I went to two local art shows which I probably would have had art in if I...