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New Poem: Northeast Harbor Marina
By Polly Castor on October 10, 2016Read moreSuch static power chomps at the bit restless to fly free but meanwhile, moored on a glassy calm...
10Other Maine Photos 2016
By Polly Castor on October 9, 2016Read moreIn this post are are many of my various and sundry photos from my recent trips to Maine...
Movie Review: Sully
By Polly Castor on October 8, 2016Read moreDo you remember when a passenger plane crash-landed in the Hudson, and everyone survived? This movie is of that...
Two New Collages
By Polly Castor on October 7, 2016Read moreI enjoy the process of making my own papers for collage and then fitting them together to express something...
What to Do With All This Eggplant!
By Polly Castor on October 6, 2016Read moreMy husband grew all this eggplant, and more. With all this at once, we had to process it for...
Walt Whitman Quote: “This is What You Shall Do”
By Polly Castor on October 5, 2016Read more...dismiss whatever insults your own soul; and your very flesh shall be a great poem and have the richest...
Fun Weekend with Friends in Western Massachusetts
By Polly Castor on October 4, 2016Read moreFour couples we know got together for a house party last weekend in western Massachusetts and we had a...
Featured Artist: The Fused Glass Landscapes of Alice Gebhart
By Polly Castor on October 3, 2016Read morecheck out this new and fabulous YouTube video I just watched of her process. Wonderful work!
Attempting to Fly from Emptiness?
By Polly Castor on October 2, 2016Read moreChoose wisely how you fly.
Recipe: Peppers Stuffed with Quinoa and Black Beans
By Polly Castor on October 1, 2016Read moreFor the beautiful peppers shown below that my husband grew, I wanted a mild stuffed pepper recipe that was...
Bits and Clips for September 2016
By Polly Castor on September 30, 2016Read moreThis is a monthly feature on this blog where I share the best that I read, listened to, watched,...
Why I Don’t Drink Alcohol
By Polly Castor on September 29, 2016Read moreOnce you’ve experienced the clean living high of a well connected bliss, you will not trade it for anything....