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Two Sketches of Boston
By Polly Castor on April 16, 2013Read moreWhat can I say about the terrible tragedy of bombs going off during the Boston Marathon? I’m simply in...
00My New Easter Poem: Fruitful Bounty
By Polly Castor on March 31, 2013Read moreJesus as the apple of God’s eye/ dripping red from a leafless, two branched tree/ drops, full-orbed and ripe,/...
My Good Friday Sermon 2013
By Polly Castor on March 29, 2013Read moreEvery year for the past 13 years I have given a sermon at our clergy association’s three hour community...
Christian Science Monitor Healing Newtown Article Shared
By Polly Castor on March 25, 2013Read moreI am grateful to have been able to share locally 300 hard copies of this article in the Christian...
Forgiveness in Newtown
By Polly Castor on February 20, 2013Read moreOur clergy association invited a clergyman from the nearby town of Newtown to come speak with us today about...