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Book Review: Delancey
By Polly Castor on May 16, 2016Read moreIf you want to read a real life story of the struggle behind realizing a dream, you might enjoy...
10Recipe: Roasted Vegetable Masala
By Polly Castor on May 10, 2016Read moreTo serve, layer the quinoa and roasted veggies, and top with the masala sauce and chopped cilantro if desired.
Movie Review: City of Gold
By Polly Castor on April 20, 2016Read moreThis documentary is about Jonathan Gold, the L.A. Times' Food Critic that has won a Pulitzer Prize.
Recipe: Cod and Veggie Soup
By Polly Castor on April 7, 2016Read moreThis is surprisingly good. Plus, it is easy and quick to make. It freezes well, too. I made this...
Two Terrific Vegan Cookbooks
By Polly Castor on March 10, 2016Read moreI'm getting all sorts of new ideas, which I've found both delicious and creatively exciting, from these two cookbooks