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Polly’s Mom’s Yam and Cranberry Casserole (Recipe)
By Polly Castor on December 16, 2019Read moreThis special holiday side dish is easy but oh so yummy!
30Apricot Nut Christmas Crown (Recipe)
By Polly Castor on December 12, 2019Read moreYou asked for it; here is the recipe for the yummy treat we made last Christmas morning. We are...
Pre-Thanksgiving Post
By Polly Castor on November 27, 2019Read moreA couple links to enjoy while you prep for tomorrow...
City Bakers Guide to Country Living (Book Review)
By Polly Castor on November 25, 2019Read moreThis is breezy fiction at its best– warm, home-affirming, and full of the transformative power of love.
Grace Notes #23 (with Photos)
By Polly Castor on November 17, 2019Read moreHere I am furthering my ongoing goal of appreciating such a continuous, overflowing abundance of random good.