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Book Review: Out of Our Minds
By Polly Castor on May 5, 2013Read moreI listened to this audio book because I was intrigued by the two videos I include at the bottom...
00Featured Artist: Normand Chartier
By Polly Castor on May 3, 2013Read moreIf you either love Maine or love watercolors you’ll enjoy this artist. I recommend this lovely book from which...
Book Review: Steal Like an Artist
By Polly Castor on April 12, 2013Read moreI originally saw this little volume during my recent visit to the MOMA, and I was pleased to be able...
I Saw the Barefoot Contessa Live
By Polly Castor on April 3, 2013Read moreI was given a ticket to see Ina Garten (the Barefoot Contessa) live and what a nice present it...
Book Review: Death Comes to Pemberley
By Polly Castor on April 1, 2013Read moreWell, I don’t read many mysteries nor much fan fiction, but a murder mystery by established writer P.D. James...