Apricot Nut Christmas Crown (Recipe)
You asked for it; here is the recipe for the yummy treat we made last Christmas morning. We are...
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Recent Food Here ( Photos with Recipe Links)
I hope the photos below entice you to try some of these that are classic in my repertoire
Fried Eggplant with Honey and Lemon Zest (Recipe)
If you can get over dealing with hot oil, this side dish is amazingly delicious.
Gluten Free Corn Cakes (Recipe)
Delicious enough for company, easy enough for everyday, this is a great recipe.
Falafel with Tzatziki (Recipe)
Falafel sandwiches are a satisfying, classic, meatless meal that is basically a tzatziki delivery system.
Sweet Corn Chowder (Recipe)
I bought this farmer's market corn to make the fabulous corn chowder that the cooking teacher had his class...
Java Jacks Fabulous Seafood Chowder Recipe
Newfoundland seafood chowder is particularly good. Here is how they make it.
Save Me the Plums (Book Review with Recipes)
If you are interested in the food industry, or in publishing, or in memoirs about working lives rather then...
Recent Food Around Here (Photos and Recipe Links)
I've been too busy lately for recipe creation, but we've been eating these yummy standbys lately that you might...
Broiled Scallops (Recipe)
I made these broiled scallops this weekend and they were a revelation.This is very easy, quick, scalable for a...
Colorful Vegan Chickpea Salad (Recipe)
The salad is cheerful and delicious. It is perfect to make for a change of pace or for your...