I awoke to dense Labor Day fog, and pondered it in depth on the dock. The last time we...
A friend of mine used this title phrase in casual conversation last night, and I can’t even remember what...
You’d be proud of me, I’m actually cleaning out my office, which has been long overdue, but is finally...
My Twelve Year Old Brave Writer She’s hovering, constantly balancing dichotomies: Vigorous movement with deep stillness (literally jumping, with...
Reading Walden I remember when my sister had to read Walden by Thoreau; it was intolerable, excruciating, deafeningly exasperating...
I Am Orange I am orange bright, bold and in your face caution: you can see me from far...
Let it Be like Atlas carrying the world taking too much responsibility I need a vacation from introspection...
Well Fertilized My friend is on the phone: “What’s going on?” “I’m hauling a lot of crap around.”...
The brilliant red rose against the white viburnum grabs the wandering eye. A cacophony of satisfying thunder it hasn’t...
Garbage Removal I’m up praying at four in the morning. Misty, moist, cool air refreshes, wafting in on tendrils...
I don’t often merely pass on email I get, but this came from my friend Linda and I found...
On Earth Day Often we think of earth’s jaggedly impassable, impressive...
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