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I’m in this National Juried Group Show of Women’s Art
By Polly Castor on October 25, 2022Read more11Recent Black and White Photos
By Polly Castor on October 24, 2022Read moreBlack and white photos capture the drama of light so very well...
Autumn Psalm (quote by Jacqueline Osherow )
By Polly Castor on October 23, 2022Read moreWho knew God was an abstract expressionist?
Klara and the Sun (Book Review)
By Polly Castor on October 22, 2022Read moreI think it is best to go into this book knowing little and patiently watch it unravel as it...
Glories of the Season (Photos)
By Polly Castor on October 21, 2022Read moreThank you for joining me in basking in all this gorgeousness, with more to come!
Artificial Intelligence (New Conceptual Painting in Pastel)
By Polly Castor on October 20, 2022Read moreThe conceptualist topic for this piece was inspired by the book Klara and the Sun.
This Time Tomorrow (Book Review)
By Polly Castor on October 19, 2022Read moreMake good choices and appreciate with full mindfulness the time you have with those you love.
Rhinebeck Sheep and Wool Festival (Photos)
By Polly Castor on October 18, 2022Read moreIn the photos in this post, enjoy all the color and wonder, composition and texture, from this fun outing...
I’m in this Juried International IAPS Webshow
By Polly Castor on October 17, 2022Read moreSo grateful to be getting my paintings to a wider audience and for having their quality appreciated in an...
Life, Truth, and Love Always Work (Deep Think #21)
By Polly Castor on October 16, 2022Read moreYou very much CAN rely on the omnipotence of Truth to set you straight, divine Love to remove your...
Farmer’s Market Photos (Early Fall 2022)
By Polly Castor on October 15, 2022Read moreI love the colors, shapes, flavors, possibilities, juxtapositions, and moral integrity of the farmer's market.
Announcing New Affiliate Link for Dick Blick Art Materials
By Polly Castor on October 14, 2022Read moreClick on the “Shop Now” button and a portion of sales will go to support this website. Thank you!