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A Million Daffodils (Photos)
By Polly Castor on May 4, 2018Read moreThe New York Botanical Gardens reportedly has over a million daffodils, planting over 100,000 of them each year for...
44Three New Abstract Watercolors
By Polly Castor on May 3, 2018Read moreI've been doing some contemplative color mixing lately, and these 9x12 watercolors are the results. It was wonderful to...
Reading Challenge 2018 Update
By Polly Castor on May 2, 2018Read moreHow are you coming along in your reading year? Anything in particular that was wonderful that you recommend?
Whole30 for 120 Days (Four Month Update with Photos)
By Polly Castor on May 1, 2018Read moreYou can see some of what we've been eating in the photos on this post, often served on pottery...
Recent Black and White Photos
By Polly Castor on April 30, 2018Read moreI am still studying the world in dark and light values, contrast, composition, and texture. Here in this post...
Expect Limitless Good (Edward A. Kimball Quote)
By Polly Castor on April 29, 2018Read moreLearn to operate according to the law of the divine Mind; learn to let this Mind be in you,...
Bits and Clips from April 2018
By Polly Castor on April 28, 2018Read moreI hope you find something here the interests you, lights your fire, ups your game, makes you happy, or...
Artichoke Pesto Recipe
By Polly Castor on April 27, 2018Read moreThis delicious dip is nut-free, dairy free, and vegan– which most pestos are not– so everyone can eat it.
The ‘Color Doctor’s’ Color Class
By Polly Castor on April 26, 2018Read moreParticularly fresh for me was the "color wheel of light," where color mixes very differently than on the "pigment...
Mindset (Book Review)
By Polly Castor on April 25, 2018Read moreThis is a wonderful book that I think everyone could benefit from reading. I give it five stars.
Be in Touch with Some Vital Interest
By Polly Castor on April 24, 2018Read moreLife should be all living, and not merely a tedious passing of time; not all doing or all feeling...
Photos from my Earth Day Hike
By Polly Castor on April 23, 2018Read moreThe photos in this post show you what caught my eye. In particular, I found the reflections fascinating!