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Wedding Prep and Rehearsal Dinner in North Carolina
By Polly Castor on July 28, 2017Read moreThe photos in this post represent over 24 hours prior to the wedding. The time was filled with constant...
00Our Younger Daughter at the Green Bank National Radio Telescope
By Polly Castor on July 27, 2017Read moreWe visited our daughter at her paid summer research opportunity (REU) at the Green Bank National Radio Observatory in...
Hydrangea Photos
By Polly Castor on July 22, 2017Read moreI love the hydrangeas in Connecticut in July. Here is a small sampling of the ones I see often...
Main Street, Ridgefield, Connecticut in Photos
By Polly Castor on July 13, 2017Read moreI take a stroll down Main Street. Here are some photos of those weekly ramblings, and you'll see why...
Early Summer Rose Photos
By Polly Castor on July 10, 2017Read moreI hope you enjoy these photos of roses I've taken recently– they are so demure and fragrant and temporal.