With our kitchen in flux and largely out of commission, we’ve been eating out a lot (which you’ll see in my next grace notes post), and otherwise have been falling back on really easy things, like seared scallops and scrambled eggs, as well as on tried and true favorites, like my husband’s signature quiche (above) or like our terrific tuna burgers, or bang bang shrimp shown repeatedly below.
In this post you can see what we’ve been eating at home lately; my husband made the quiche and the cookies, I made everything else. Below each photo I describe what it is and give the link to recipes on this blog. If the text below the photo is blue it is a link and you can click on it for the recipe! If not linked, they were either trials that were not worthy of blog posts, or they were so simple as not to need a recipe.
I hope this post and all these photos and links give you some great ideas of what to fix for you and yours.

So much beauty.
My goodness!!
Your food appears to be fresh and very healthy.
Having studied nutrition through the years, I appreciate how you and your husband eat. And the teamwork is admirable.Very tantalizing!
Thank you for sharing❣️
Each one is an edible work of art! x