We’ve been to this wonderful program for high schoolers for many years now. In fact this is my 12th...
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Amazing Grace
I was at an event that was graced by the amazing Bagpipe player Iain Massie who even played for...
Dedication for New Lutheran Church
Yesterday I attended the dedication service for the new building of the local Lutheran church. It is a lovely,...
Photos from my Mom’s Memorial Weekend
Here are some photos from my mom’s memorial weekend. We also got some other great photos, including several great...
Tree Trunk Sweaters?
Does anyone know what is going on with this? Here is a collection of photos I’ve taken recently of...
Newtown Arts Festival
Today I went to the Newtown Arts Festival. Last spring, I was recruited to be in this, but demurred....
Creative Arts Camp Photos 2013
We had a great time at Creative Arts Camp this year. Besides classes, we had a Bible study each...
New Poem: The Problem with Bullies
The Problem with Bullies With bullies you lose whatever you do. Most bullies don’t realize they...
August 2013 CSA Produce
Our youngest daughter (in the red shirt in the photos) has a seasonal job in the CSA (Community Supported...
Laura’s Quarry Party 2013
For many years our youngest has celebrated her half birthday with a party at the Quarry. Here are the...
Proud of my Town for Voting No
Last week my town overwhelmingly voted NOT to sell our water to the multinational corporation Aquarion who owns almost...
Photos of New Pond Farm Shakespeare 2013
Each year, New Pond Farm puts on a wonderful Shakespeare play after a three week camp for middle schoolers and early...