The Twelve Lives of Samuel Hawley (Book Review)
I warn you, there are a lot of guns in this book, and because of that, I debated even...
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Edgar and Lucy (Book Review)
Given the subject matter and size of this book, most of you won't read it, but wow, this is...
Mastery (Book Review)
This book will make you see that follow-through is the key component to mastery, and that is within everyone's...
Arabella (Book Review)
Never sappy, sexy, nor too trivial, this is romance at its best. It is a solid, upstanding, and enjoyable...
Mindset (Book Review)
This is a wonderful book that I think everyone could benefit from reading. I give it five stars.
The Weight of Ink (Book Review)
I am so fulfilled with this read that I feel unwilling to start another book anytime soon; I...
Before and Again (Book Review)
I can only give it 3 stars, but still is was enjoyable, mostly because it is a story of...
The One-in-a Million-Boy (Book Review)
In all my years going to this book group, we've never had a book we all liked and all...
Prisoners of Geography (Book Review)
This is an interesting look at how geography has shaped history, and how it will continue to shape it...
Little Fires Everywhere (Book Review)
This book is a good exploration on the topic of motherhood, as well as a compelling story. I give...
The Great Alone (Book Review)
This is a magnificent novel set in Alaska, although very difficult in places. I give it five stars.
GodDependency (Book Review)
This book talks about how to reverse codependency with a spiritual dependency on God. And codependency is defined more...