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Brown Butter Corn Bread (Recipe)
By Polly Castor on October 5, 2023Read moreWhat could be better than corn kernels caramelized in butter? That's what gives this corn bread its great texture.
30Quotes from No Death, No Fear by Thich Nhat Hanh
By Polly Castor on October 4, 2023Read moreHere are the bits from this book that I flagged to share with you:
Other Two Plein Air Paintings Done on Monhegan
By Polly Castor on October 3, 2023Read moreHere are the other teo plein air paintings I completed during my recent visit to the island.
Other Photos of Monhegan Island (2023)
By Polly Castor on October 2, 2023Read moreHere are the rest of my photographs from my recent trip to the island.
Unity (Quote by Mary Baker Eddy)
By Polly Castor on October 1, 2023Read moreUnity is the bond of perfectness.
Bits and Clips for September 2023
By Polly Castor on September 30, 2023Read moreI hope you find something among all these links, memes, photos, paintings, and poems and quotes from others that...
Maine Art by Others (Galleries, Museums, Peers)
By Polly Castor on September 29, 2023Read moreCheck out in this post Maine artists whose work I saw there and liked.
Two Plein Air Paintings of Monhegan in Pastel
By Polly Castor on September 28, 2023Read moreHere are two of the four paintings I finished on the island this year.
Artist Journal Page Spreads Painted on Monhegan
By Polly Castor on September 27, 2023Read moreMy approach here is more meditative than anything else, just marinating in being there, storing it all up for...
Cathedral Woods, Monhegan (Photos 2023)
By Polly Castor on September 26, 2023Read moreCheck out my many photos here from a great time in a special place.
Salted Tahini Chocolate Chip Cookies (Recipe)
By Polly Castor on September 25, 2023Read moreThis year I inhaled three of these right out of the oven and she was gracious enough to give...
Lobster Cove Photos (2023)
By Polly Castor on September 24, 2023Read moreThe sound of the surf, the briney smell of the air, the wind, ...all are invigorating.