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Quote from E.F. Schumacher
By Polly Castor on October 17, 2011Read more“Our ordinary mind always tries to persuade us that we are nothing but acorns and that our greatest happiness...
00My New Pastel Painting: In Kent with Jill
By Polly Castor on October 16, 2011Read moreThis I just painted of a stunningly memorable afternoon in Kent with my friend Jill. We do not have...
Movie Review: Courageous
By Polly Castor on October 15, 2011Read moreI took a friend’s recommendation that every husband and father should see this movie, and went to see it...
Recipe: Beet and Goat Cheese Salad
By Polly Castor on October 14, 2011Read moreThis is what I had for lunch today. It was wildly wonderful… stunningly delicious. I got the recipe...
Recipe: Curried Sweet Potato and Millet Soup with Tilapia
By Polly Castor on October 13, 2011Read moreIn our busy household, we love food that can be easily warmed up to instantly be a complete,...
Flowers of Indian Summer
By Polly Castor on October 12, 2011Read moreDuring the stellar weather we’ve been having lately, I’ve enjoyed these flowers…
Photos of a Marsh Morning
By Polly Castor on October 11, 2011Read moreAs of yesterday, we have a bridge being replaced on one of our most commonly used back roads. For...
A Blog Reader’s Response to Yesterday’s Poem
By Polly Castor on October 10, 2011Read moreI have the best blog readers. Shared below is the response I got from a blog reader (who is...
New Poem by me: Tattooed on Your Heart
By Polly Castor on October 9, 2011Read moreTattooed on Your Heart What do you have tattooed on your heart? What is irrevocably etched on your soul,...
Photos of the Farmer’s Market
By Polly Castor on October 8, 2011Read moreToday was the first time I’ve been to the Farmer’s Market all year since between our garden and our...
Two Abstracts in Colored India Ink
By Polly Castor on October 7, 2011Read moreHands on homeschooling has many hours where I need to be present for the discussion of ideas or the...
Recipe: Cheesy Mexican Noodle Bake
By Polly Castor on October 6, 2011Read moreThis is spicy, delicious, and deeply satisfying… Mexican noodle casserole 2 cups whole wheat penne pasta 1 Tbsp extra...