Photos of Frost on Our Windows
It was three degrees out this morning and the first thing I did was take these photos of the...
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Photos of Today’s Unremarkable Snow
What is more remarkable than this snow was the 5o degree weather we had last weekend! These photos were...
Water Lily Photos
I took these last September but didn’t get around to editing them until now. Look closely in the last...
Best of 2012
Wow. I’ve finished four years on this daily blog. That's 1,424 entries! Here are the best posts of 2012...
Mary Ann Kulla’s Photography Show
Mary Ann Kulla is a swimming buddy of mine from summers at the Quarry. We went to the opening...
Photos of Charlie Crow
A local friend recently obtained this African Crow as a pet. She walks around town with him tethered on...
Does Anyone Know What This is?
I am curious what this is. Does anyone know? I’ll post here the answer when it is determined. I...
Photos from a Walk Around Jamaica Lake
While I was in Boston, I enjoyed a lovely walk around Jamaica Lake with a friend. Check out my...
What Do Christian Science Practitioners Look Like?
I thought some of you might be curious to see what Christian Science Practitioners look like. We are deep...
Consignment Store Photos
Last weekend we visited this consignment store while we were cooling our heals before a dinner date. Unexpectedly, we...