Book Review: It’s a Fine Line
I got this book at that recent library sale and have really been enjoying it. His pictures have wit...
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Book Review: Chasing Harry Winston
Something about summer requires some good chic lit. (Normally I’d call it a “beach read,” but the beaches I’ve...
Book Review: Outliers
I liked this book by Malcolm Gladwell and give it five stars. He debunks the theory that success is...
Library Sale Loot
You may already know we have a lot of books in our small house. We stopped counting at 10,000....
Book Review: The Help
I liked this book by Kathryn Stockett and give it 5 stars. This recently released novel is about black...
Yeah! The “Book War” is Over for This Year!
There are those in my local homeschooling network here that call me “the book maven.” I earned the title...
Book Review: 1000 Artist Journal Pages
I have really enjoyed this book by Dawn De Vries Sokol and even give it five stars. I bought...
Book Review: The Story Book of Science
I read this classic book by Jean Henri-Fabre (France 1823 – 1915) to my homeschooled 6th grader as supplementary...
Book Review: Women In Love
This classic by D.H. Lawrence has been on my to-be-read list for probably twenty years. The best thing I...
Book Review: Journal of a Solitude
I loved this book and give it five stars. I heard a retrospective on NPR of their best interviews...
Book Review: The Warden
This is the first book I’ve ever read of Anthony Trollope. I liked it well enough to add it’s...