Wade in the Water (New Large Painting by Polly Castor)

Wade in the Water (New Large Painting by Polly Castor)
Wade in the Water painting

Wade in the Water (mixed media collage) by Polly Castor

This painting depicts the negro spiritual Wade in the Water, and was painted beside the water while this music was being sung–live– behind me in the background.

It is 30″x40″ and done in acrylic collage.

See the whole painting above with a couple close-up details below.

I painted it at Creative Arts Camp to film time lapses to go into the video I’m making for my new artist website, which will go live this fall.

Buy the original painting here.

Purchase prints and merchandise of this image here.

What do you think?


I work to amplify good wherever I find it. I love color, texture, beauty, great ideas, nature, metaphor, deliciousness, genuine spirituality, and exploring new territory. I encourage authenticity, nurture creativity, champion sustainability, promote peace, and hope to foster a new renaissance where we all are free to be our most fulfilled, multifaceted, and terrific selves. Read more here.


  1. Liz 11 months ago

    Stunning collage, Wade in the Water. ‘Twas a treasure to observe your process and get glimpses of the work in progress.

  2. Karen H Montanaro 11 months ago

    Love this, Polly!!!!

  3. Rosalind Forber 11 months ago

    Wade in the Water. For me the painting exemplifies precisely that wading in the metaphorical waters of Creative Arts Week. What an experience! And we did plenty of lake wading as well.


  1. […] above photo of me– with the painting I did at camp– I didn’t have yesterday, when I posted that painting. (It is more blue than it looks in this […]

  2. […] Wade in the Water, the painting I did recently at camp, is hanging right now in a show in the Guilford Arts Center. It will be up until September 30, if you want to stop by to see it. Below you can see some of the other works in this group show. […]

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