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How to Feel More Connected to God
By Polly Castor on June 19, 2018Read moreSomeone recently asked how do I stay feeling connected to God, and here is what I said:
32Thinking About My Dad
By Polly Castor on June 17, 2018Read moreI am so grateful for this man and for all the good he did and was!
Prayers from A to Z : A Game (by Virginia Hughes)
By Polly Castor on June 13, 2018Read moreA fun fill-in-the-blank game of twenty-six ways to pray, and enlightening too!
Quotes About the Unreality of Matter
By Polly Castor on June 8, 2018Read moreThis list of quotes looks deeply beyond what appears to be to what is real instead.
Annual Meeting 2018
By Polly Castor on June 5, 2018Read moreHere are my snippets of notes from a weekend in Boston for Annual Meeting, which was full of superb...