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Why Jesus Doodled in the Dirt
By Polly Castor on December 19, 2010Read moreThey had just brought to Jesus the woman taken in adultery – in the very act – to challenge...
00Book Review: 100 Ways To Simplify Your Life
By Polly Castor on December 14, 2010Read moreI really liked this book and give it five stars. I applaud her simple, no nonsense style and straight...
100th Anniversary of Mary Baker Eddy’s Passing
By Polly Castor on December 3, 2010Read moreMary Baker Eddy is the discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, which she described as “the law of God;...
New Poem by Me: God Never Martyrs One Idea In Favor of Another
By Polly Castor on December 2, 2010Read moreGod Never Martyrs One Idea in Favor of Another The lion lying with the lamb, each dwelling in their...
My Daughter’s Kenya Account Written for Her Sponsors
By Polly Castor on November 28, 2010Read moreBelow is a copy of my daughter’s account of the service trip she took last summer to teach in...