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Striving: Nought Unless the Lord Ordain
By Polly Castor on February 26, 2011Read moreI was really struck by the above verse in Hymn 361. My son is in the early throes...
00Quotes for Today Inspired by Egypt
By Polly Castor on February 11, 2011Read moreI can’t help but note that before a worldwide 24 hour prayer watch for Egypt was over, a radical...
My Son has an Article in the Sentinel
By Polly Castor on February 3, 2011Read moreMy son has an article in the Christian Science Sentinel magazine that came today (the February 14, 2011 issue,...
Perseverance Not Human Will
By Polly Castor on January 23, 2011Read moreAs I’ve said (click here) what you value governs what you are grateful for and therefore what you get...
Movie Review: Faith Like Potatoes
By Polly Castor on January 21, 2011Read moreI enjoyed this touching Christian film and give it four stars. It has the feel of a good Christian...