Today, after a delicious lunch at the Cheesecake Factory, we enjoyed Annual Meeting. It is such a nice time to see folks in this wonderful community! We were encouraged to “Love one another, as I have love you” – to practice love the way Jesus loved, with that “agape” kind of love.
We rejoiced in our unity in diversity and in our genuine mutual respect for one another. We likened church to something that is alive and therefore always changing from bud, blossom, fruit and back again, while never getting away from its firm roots. We considered the power of organized good; when Stephen was stoned the church scattered for two years, but thirteen years later when Paul was stoned, the church was ready; we can do more together than we ever could separately.
We were reminded that buildings and money are our servants and not our masters, and that whenever God asks us to do something, He provides the means with which to do it. And our dear friend Dorothy Estes (bottom photo with my husband) was appointed Editor in Chief of all the Christian Science periodicals!