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New Poem: The First Day of My Last Year Homeschooling
By Polly Castor on August 25, 2014Read moreThis year I am riveted to taking in and treasuring the beauty of its lingering presence with thankfulness and...
00Poem by Mary Oliver: The Summer Day
By Polly Castor on August 15, 2014Read moreWho made the world? Who made the swan, and the black bear? Who made the grasshopper?
Poem by Jill Gooding: Losing Weight
By Polly Castor on July 22, 2014Read moreGoing on a diet the God-given way with prayer and humility...
Poem by Ganga White: What If?
By Polly Castor on July 21, 2014Read moreWhat if our religion was each other?
New Poem: Give a Cup of Cold Water
By Polly Castor on June 22, 2014Read moreoffering “a cup of cold water in Christ’s name” is not hard...