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That’s Entertainment! (poem by Madora McKensie Kibbe)
By Polly Castor on March 26, 2017Read moreWhy entertain fear and doubt when angels wait without?
12Whistling Swans (poem by Mary Oliver)
By Polly Castor on March 4, 2017Read moreDo you bow your head when you pray or do you look up into that blue space?
A Poem by Wistawa Szymborska
By Polly Castor on February 22, 2017Read moreOn this third planet of the sun among the signs of bestiality a clear conscience is Number One.
Little Separate Things (a new poem by Polly Castor)
By Polly Castor on February 15, 2017Read moreSnow gently fluttering down, a feathery white monochromatic veil, flickering over everything, hushing...
Replicas (a New Poem by me)
By Polly Castor on February 7, 2017Read moreWatching a class sketch Roman sculptures at the museum has gotten me thinking.