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Photos from Our Schoodic Peninsula Bike Ride
By Polly Castor on August 17, 2016Read moreThe Schoodic Peninsula bike ride on the northern (more remote) part of Acadia National Park is one of my...
00Happy Dogs
By Polly Castor on August 15, 2016Read moreYou usually hear about "the dog days of August," which stimulates images of pups sleeping in the shade on...
Photos Visiting Family in North Carolina
By Polly Castor on August 12, 2016Read moreHere are our photos from a lovely visit with my older sister's family in North Carolina.
Delighted to Meet Our First Grand Niece
By Polly Castor on August 11, 2016Read moreIt was great to be meet her and to welcome her to our family!
A Week of Maine Sunsets
By Polly Castor on August 6, 2016Read moreAs you can see here we saw some great sunsets the week we were in Maine...