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Photos of September Flowers
By Polly Castor on September 27, 2017Read moreI live in a beautiful place surrounded by flowers. Here are just a sampling of the beautiful blooms I...
00Amaranth Photos at Hollandia
By Polly Castor on September 16, 2017Read moreIn this post are the photos I snapped that day, gobsmacked by this flower's intensely deep crimson and fascinating...
Photos from a Beautiful Weekend in Connecticut
By Polly Castor on September 11, 2017Read moreBeauty and good are impartial and universal. Here's a peek at some I've recently been blessed with. Despite claims...
My Photos and Art by Others at Creative Arts Camp 2017
By Polly Castor on September 1, 2017Read moreHere are my photos of Creative Arts Camp and of other's art there
People at Creative Arts Camp 2017
By Polly Castor on August 31, 2017Read moreHere are photos of the people at Creative Arts Camp– these people are the reason I come each and...