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Movie Review: The September Issue
By Polly Castor on July 8, 2012Read moreIf you loved the movie The Devil Wore Prada, you may wish to see this movie too. It's about...
00Movie Review: Moonrise Kingdom
By Polly Castor on June 30, 2012Read moreThis movie is a hard one to review. We went because a friend of mine loved it; we liked...
Movie Review: Too Big to Fail
By Polly Castor on May 22, 2012Read moreI found this movie interesting and fairly realistic in it’s portrayal of the events behind the economic collapse of...
Movie Review: The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
By Polly Castor on May 11, 2012Read moreI really enjoyed this movie and give it five stars. It delivered a message of hope, and communicated...
Movie Review: Salmon Fishing in the Yemen
By Polly Castor on April 10, 2012Read moreWe enjoyed this movie about introducing salmon to the Yemen. The themes of faith, trying to accomplish the unlikely,...