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Movie Review: Journey of the Universe
By Polly Castor on March 29, 2012Read moreI had free tickets to this as clergy, as they felt we must drive the needed changes in consciousness...
00Spring Peepers!
By Polly Castor on March 20, 2012Read moreI love the advent of spring peepers. They are roaring over here, and I just bask in their sound....
Car with Eyelashes
By Polly Castor on March 7, 2012Read moreI couldn’t resist sharing this car I saw in a parking lot. We all need to have more...
Illiterate Grandmothers Solar Power Africa
By Polly Castor on March 3, 2012Read moreI found this video very inspiring and hope-inducing. I love a true grassroots, bottom-up approach.