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Book Review: Goode’s World Atlas
By Polly Castor on September 29, 2012Read moreOur youngest daughter is taking AP Human Geography this year, and coupled in the photo above with her textbook...
10Thomas Aquinas’ Mother
By Polly Castor on June 14, 2012Read moreHomeschooling parents learn all sorts of things. This is today’s interesting tidbit. I’ll comment on it below after...
Our Son Receives His Diploma at Homeschool Forum
By Polly Castor on May 21, 2012Read moreOur son received his high school diploma today at our local homeschool group. Andrew gave his last presentation at...
We Sent an Acceptance Check to Swarthmore
By Polly Castor on April 26, 2012Read moreWell, we have sent an acceptance check to Swarthmore! Our son felt that it was the best school with...
My Kids’ Robot at the Homeschool Science Fair
By Polly Castor on April 23, 2012Read moreWell, the FIRST robotics season is over and my kids brought their robot to the homeschooling science fair,...