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Recipe: Cheese, Onion and Garlic Strata
By Polly Castor on March 30, 2015Read moreThis is delicious, and is a great way to use up stale bread as well as miscellaneous cheeses. It...
00Recipe: Mushroom Tilapia Casserole with Eggplant Sauce
By Polly Castor on March 24, 2015Read moreThe flavors here are intense and earthy, and the after-glow is better than the most sought after comfort food....
Plants in Our Cold Frame Survived SubZero Temperatures!
By Polly Castor on March 12, 2015Read moreToday the snow finally melted enough to scrape off the top of the cold frame and peer inside, and...
Recipe: Parmesan Broiled Tilapia
By Polly Castor on March 11, 2015Read moreThis is completely easy, very quick, and always moist and delicious. It is one of my recipes that people...
Recipe: Ginger, Carrot, Hazelnut Cake with Molasses Frosting
By Polly Castor on March 2, 2015Read moreThis is absolutely awesome! Truly, this cake is amazingly delicious, and is so moist that it remains terrific tasting...