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The Purpose of Art (quote by Walter Percy)
By Polly Castor on March 18, 2023Read moreWe stir up a shock of recognition of what they already know...
10Two Smaller Pastel Paintings
By Polly Castor on March 16, 2023Read moreA lot of my pastel paintings are both larger and more complicated than these.
Two New Collages with Ink
By Polly Castor on March 10, 2023Read moreMostly here I am experimenting trying out my new inks together with collage.
Destination Assured (New Pastel Painting)
By Polly Castor on March 7, 2023Read moreThis painting is about my deeply held belief that we all will arrive.
Lengthening Our Days (New Abstract Conceptualist Painting in Pastel)
By Polly Castor on March 2, 2023Read moreAt first, I thought of it literally about the days getting longer as spring approaches, but while I was...