Our Niece’s Wedding in Chapel Hill
We went to our niece's beautiful wedding– check out my photos of this very happy family occasion!
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Wedding Prep and Rehearsal Dinner in North Carolina
The photos in this post represent over 24 hours prior to the wedding. The time was filled with constant...
Two Oblong Ceramic Plates I Made for Father’s Day
He uses these plates everyday for his smorgasbord of a breakfast, and they help him start his day with...
Photos from Kallie and Kameron’s Wedding Day
Kallie and Kameron's wedding was lovely. There was so much joy and we all loved being together.
Kallie and Kameron’s Rehearsal Dinner Photos
We flew to Texas for the wedding of Kallie and Kameron. Kallie is a cousin in my husband's large,...
Goodbye to our VW TDI
Today VW buys back our 2012 Jetta TDI because they cheated on the emissions and designed the car to...
I Bought a New Car!
So I bought this bright red Honda Sport turbo Hatchback that gets 39 miles/gallon and has only 22 miles...
A Valentine for You
My heart is FULL of appreciation for you! I hope you have a terrific day! Feel cherished because you are!
My Birthday 2017
It is always wonderful to hear from so many friends and family. Thank you to everybody for all...
Women’s March 1/21/17 in (lots of) Photos
I know people all over the world that marched last Saturday for equality, for love, for the earth, for...
Christmas Photos 2016
Merry Christmas! It is so good to have all of our kids home for Christmas! I hope you are having...
We Hosted the Church Christmas Party
Everyone had a great time and I am very grateful for this small but strong group of wonderful people.