Love Outwardly and Willingly (Russ Gerber Quote)
Being spiritually-minded is, in a manner of speaking, being globally-minded. It requires dropping narrow, self centered thinking ...
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Awaken in Love’s Likeness (New Poem by Polly Castor)
We have a worthy day to claim and must receive it with open arms, letting it rush toward us in glittering rays that...
Get Rid of “Personal Sense” (Deep Think #5)
"Personal sense" is one of those great terms used in Christian Science that is so helpful once you understand...
“Take No Thought For What You Eat” (Deep Think #4)
Curious why a Christian Science practitioner takes care about what she eats? This is where I stand.
Prayer Nuggets #4
Here are some nuggets from my private prayers that I’ve been outwardly working on lately:
How to Feel More Connected to God
Someone recently asked how do I stay feeling connected to God, and here is what I said:
Prayer Nuggets #3
Here are some nuggets from my private prayers that I’ve been outwardly working on lately:
When Spirituality and Creativity Are One (Newspaper Article by Me)
Here is my Forum on Faith article that appeared in three Connecticut newspapers yesterday.
Prayer Nuggets #1
Here are some nuggets from my private prayers that I've been outwardly working on lately:
Like Vegetables in a Garden (Newspaper Article by Polly Castor)
I thank God that all tomatoes are not the same, and rejoice that all varieties are equally, but uniquely,...
Sunday School Lesson on The Ten Commandments
If everyone in the world could actually congregate around these old but perceptive guidelines, there would literally be peace...
Lessons from Moses
I'll briefly summarize the story of Moses, then I'll highlight some of the lessons my Sunday School class gleaned.