Hike to Lower Yosemite Falls
The water was very clear, the air was brisk and invigorating, and the whole simple hike deeply nourished the...
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Mirror Lake
I was eager to see Mirror Lake in the spring filled with recent snow melt. It was as gorgeous...
Ibis Photos
Ibis use their amazing beaks to snatch shellfish out of their shells with great efficiency.
Sanibel Island Shells
Check out in this post the incredibly beautiful bounty so humbly created by some of God's small and hidden...
Photos of Milkweed
Since monarchs are dependent on milkweed, I was glad to see a bunch of them on my walk yesterday....
Canoeing with Nancy
I loved the company, the meandering pace, the reflections, the swirls of plant life under water, even the...
Poem by Diane Ackerman: School Prayer
In the name of the daybreak and the eyelids of morning and the wayfaring moon and the night when it departs...
Photos from Jasper
We loved our time here, and it was bittersweet because this awesome trip was starting to wind to a...
Amazing Rainbow in Jasper
We saw this amazing this amazing rainbow in Jasper, arguably either a double or a quad, because the lower...
In Lassen Volcanic National Park
We loved Lassen Volcanic National Park in northern California. Not very heavily visited, it is a hidden jewel of...