Welcome in the Christ (Deep Think #8)
Remember the most important element: there can be no healing without the presence of the Christ.
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Prayer Nuggets #5
Here are some nuggets from my private prayers that I’ve been outwardly working on lately:
Polly Preaching #1 (Forgiveness)
Forgiveness is the other side of the coin of healing. Because Jesus could forgive sins, he healed. Do it...
Feel Something Larger (quote by Nando Parrado)
I did not feel God as most people see Him. I did feel something larger than myself, something in...
There Must Be One Human Family (Harry Emerson Fosdick Quote)
Get together; you are fighting against the inevitable when you try to live in isolated alienation on the...
Prayer Nuggets #4
Here are some nuggets from my private prayers that I’ve been outwardly working on lately:
The Power of a Better Premise (New Poem by Polly Castor)
Can you see how This different premise Brings an improved conclusion Literally resulting In universal salvation?
An Alphabet of What God Is and Isn’t
Studying this list helps remind me to claim my own qualities and attributes that are derived directly from God.
Prayer Nuggets #3
Here are some nuggets from my private prayers that I’ve been outwardly working on lately:
Two Lists from Reading the Bible Lesson on Man
When reading the Bible lesson this morning Whit Larson was inspired to write down a list of: 1) What...
Freedom From Yourself (Deep Think #1)
I'm realizing that if I focus solely on the present moment, I have no story pinned to me, and...