Church is… (New Poem by Polly Castor)
Church is a framework for my week. It gives structure to my days, which would stretch forth endlessly otherwise.
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There Must Be One Human Family (Harry Emerson Fosdick Quote)
Get together; you are fighting against the inevitable when you try to live in isolated alienation on the...
Get Rid of “Personal Sense” (Deep Think #5)
"Personal sense" is one of those great terms used in Christian Science that is so helpful once you understand...
Cultivate a Better Relationship with Yourself (Jim Palmer Quote)
People are suffering every day, not because of a deficient relationship with a deity in the sky, but because...
“Take No Thought For What You Eat” (Deep Think #4)
Curious why a Christian Science practitioner takes care about what she eats? This is where I stand.
Prayer Nuggets #4
Here are some nuggets from my private prayers that I’ve been outwardly working on lately:
How to Feel More Connected to God
Someone recently asked how do I stay feeling connected to God, and here is what I said:
Prayers from A to Z : A Game (by Virginia Hughes)
A fun fill-in-the-blank game of twenty-six ways to pray, and enlightening too!
Quotes About the Unreality of Matter
This list of quotes looks deeply beyond what appears to be to what is real instead.
Annual Meeting 2018
Here are my snippets of notes from a weekend in Boston for Annual Meeting, which was full of superb...
We Are All Inextricably Connected (Brene Brown Quote)
Practicing spirituality brings a sense of perspective, meaning and purpose to our lives.