Restaurant Review in Concord, Mass: Main Streets Market and Cafe
I wish we had this place where I live, and it is worth going out of your way for.
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Restaurant Recommendation: Cookshop in NYC
Yay! I'm so glad to have been able to spend two days in New York City with the matron...
What We’ve Been Eating Lately
Our first two months of empty nesting, we've been enjoying eating what we feel like without having to cater...
Recipe: Lentil Walnut Pasta Sauce
This recipe is completely vegan, and my husband loved it, saying that it was good enough for company.
More Farmer’s Market Photos
At the beginning of the month, I posted pictures of our farmer's market, but now that the produce is...
Recipe: Autumnal Vegan Ragout
I completely made this up yesterday for the winter squash shown below that I got at the Farmer's Market,...
Garden Harvest Before First Freeze
It is going to freeze tonight for the first time this fall so we have brought in most of...
Farmer’s Market Photos
But maybe more than anything, I love the people there, and the amazing opportunities for juxtaposing colors and shapes...
A Warning Heeded with a New Refrigerator
Our refrigerator was 23 years old, and because it still worked, we were not motivated to replace it until...
Recipe: Herbed Portabella Quinoa Pilaf
This recipe occurred mostly as an excuse to use a the plethora of fresh herbs and peppers we have...
Harvesting Tomatoes From Our Yard
We have been bringing in these beauties and mostly roasting them. The abundance is wonderful!